Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated F.A.Q.
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General Non-Rules Questions
(Spoiler-Free Information About the Product.)
Is Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated 2 — Darkest Magic replayable?
The campaign (which consists of 12 games) tells a story you cannot reset, and that you play through only once. At the end of the campaign, however, you will have a fully playable, two-sided board that you may continue to play on as often as you like.
Do you permanently alter components when you play the campaign?
Yes. In the course of the campaign, you will add stickers to game components, write on them with a marker, scratch off hidden information, and even destroy them — permanently removing them from your copy of the game. You’ll unlock new game rules and sticker them into your rulebook. The decisions you make will result in a unique version of the game, unlike any other, for you to enjoy after the campaign.
Will I understand the story if I’m not familiar with Acquisitions Incorporated?
Yes. This story is about you and your friends creating your own Acquisitions Incorporated franchise from the ground up. No prior knowledge is required.
Do I need to have played the original Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated to understand Darkest Magic?
No. The story of Darkest Magic is not a direct "sequel" to the previous game. All the story and gameplay you need to know is explained here.
Can I play the original Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated after I play Darkest Magic?
Yes. You may play the games in either order.
Is Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated 2 — Darkest Magic compatible with Clank! A Deck-Building Adventure?
Mostly, yes! Note that some cards use terms that don’t exist in the original Clank!, and vice versa. Most cards, however, are fully compatible, and many more can cross over if you substitute one game term for another.

It is strongly recommended that you finish your Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated 2 — Darkest Magic campaign before mixing the game with other Clank! expansions.Then you may use the original Clank! dungeon deck with your completed Legacy board, use your Legacy board with original Clank! cards, or whatever other crossover you can imagine.
What about the Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated — Upper Management Pack and The “C” Team Pack?
The Upper Management Pack and The “C” Team Pack are expansions compatible with both Legacy and original Clank! A few terms on the cards require “translation” from one game to the other (detailed later in this FAQ). As with other expansions, you are encouraged to finish the Legacy campaign before using them in that setting.

The contents of the Upper Management Pack and The “C” Team Pack are unique to those products and are not repeated in Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated (no matter what decisions you make during the campaign). The Upper Management Pack and The “C” Team Pack allow you to play as characters different from those you play in the Legacy campaign.
Is the game cooperative or competitive?
Some games in the campaign are completely cooperative. Most of the games are competitive -- but even then, you can cooperate to some extent, making decisions as a group, dividing up exploration, and foregoing actions that might make things harder for each other. (Or you can be as cutthroat as you like, looking out for yourself first and foremost.)
Is there solo play?
No, there aren’t currently plans for solo support. The game is intended for 2 to 4 players.
I want to sleeve the cards in my copy of the game. How many sleeves will I need?
The number of sleeves needed can vary, depending on the choices you make while you play the campaign.

You should need no more than 370 sleeves, for cards approximately 2.5 x 3.5 inches (63 x 88mm). Note that this does not include sleeves for Contract cards; they don’t require sleeves, as they are used only for a limited time and then destroyed (and they are never shuffled).

If you backed the Kickstarter campaign and wish to sleeve all of the additional cards that it included, you will need 55 additional sleeves (around 425 total).

In addition, there are 50 "tarot-sized" cards, approximately 2.75 x 4.75 inches (70 x 120 mm). If you wish to sleeve these, you should use clear sleeves, so that the card backs are visible.
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Spoiler-Free Clarifications
(General rules clarifications that reveal no campaign specifics.)
Read carefully when using the Book of Secrets and Character Journals!
When reading a Passage, be sure you carry out all of its instructions. If you stop in the middle of a Passage to do something it tells you, make sure you go back and finish. Take particular care if you stop to apply a sticker or to fetch a card from the Cardporium — these are the most likely moments you might forget to go back and finish. If you like, you can use a marker to check off the boxes for instructions as you carry them out.
If you are playing with fewer than 4 players, some characters will not be played. Throughout the campaign, ignore all instructions directed at any of those characters (such as an instruction to read a passage from their journal).
Arrive — When multiple cards with Arrive text are added to the row at the same time, carry out their Arrive text from left to right.
Mark Stickers — These are not meant to be limited, and you're unlikely to run out. If you do in a 3- or 4-player campaign, use a colored marker to mark cards. If a player runs out in a 2-player campaign, we suggest they adopt a second color and use those marks as if they were their own. (After the campaign, however, treat all marks as their actual color.)
Contracts — If one of your contracts cares about the actions of other players, it continues to do so even after you go off the clock.
When you would put a cube of your color on a contract's track, but have none left to place, place a set-aside black cube instead. Count that black cube as a cube of your color when resolving that contract.
How can I tell if I have the right starter decks for each character?
At the start of the campaign, each starter deck should have 10 cards: 6 Burgles, 1 Sidestep, 1 Scramble, and 2 Stumbles. A character's cards are each marked with an image of that character (along the right edge, near the middle). The "flavor text" (at the bottom of the card) is unique on every card. (For example: all 6 of The Haunted's Burgle cards have different flavor text.)
One of the starting Burgle cards for The Ambitious looks weird. Is it a misprint?
The non-color strip along the top of the card is a scratch-off area. It just has fancier printing than other scratch-off cards. During the campaign, you will find out how and when to scratch cards like these.
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Game 1
(Read during game 1 or after.)
Marking spaces — Can a space on the game board have more than one mark?
On page 17 of the rulebook, it's explained that if a player is marking a space because they scored 0 points, they cover any existing marks.
However, if you are marking a space for any other reason, the space also keeps any existing mark. In this way, it is possible for a space to have multiple marks. But note that some instructions to mark a space tell you to find another space if the one in question is already marked.
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Game 2
(Read during game 2 or after.)
Reputation — If multiple players claim a Reputation track reward that puts a black cube back in the bag, each of them may do so. (As opposed to the group putting only one black cube back no matter how many players claim the reward.)
Reputation Track — Unfortunately, in some copies of the game, it may be harder than intended to scratch off the areas on the Reputation Track without accidentally damaging the board beneath. If you encounter difficulties, please refer to the image of the board below. (Click on a marked scratch area to reveal what is beneath it.)
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Game 3
(Read during game 3 or after.)
Sixton — If you apply the Sixton sticker (B8) on top of another sticker, causing a path to "break" leading north out of the market sign, apply the sticker from H3 over the break to reconnect the path.
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Game 4
(Read during game 4 or after.)
Dark Magic — When a player joins the campaign midway through, if the other players have Dark Magic in their starting decks, the new player fetches a Dark Magic from the Filing Cabinet and adds it as well.
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Game 5
(Read during game 5 or after.)
Collaborate — Cards that care about your play area count Collaborate cards -- both those that another player shares with you, and those that you share with another player.
"Encased in Ice" — When a companion is encased in ice, place it in the next available sleeve in the top of the game box lid. Fill the sleeves in order from left to right, first in the top row and then in the bottom; this order determines the "first" and the "last" companion encased in ice. If all 9 sleeves are full, no additional companions can be encased in ice.
As you free companions (leaving empty sleeves), you may either move cards immediately to fill the space, or leave the spaces until you fill the 9th sleeve and THEN "condense" the cards to fill all empty spaces. Either way, you should always preserve the order of the cards.
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Game 7
(Read during game 7 or after.)
Minor Cavities — If you run out of -1VP stickers, Minor Cavities can't apply -1VP to any more cards. They still destroy cards that already have a -1VP sticker (when they would get another).
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Game 9
(Read during game 9 or after.)
Bribe — Cards that care about your play area count any cards that you Bribed, on the turn you Bribe them.
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Game 11
(Read during game 11 or after.)
War Supplies — When you use this to trash a contract from a previous game that you completed in this game, destroy that contract. them.
The Boss's Health Track — The boss's health track in game 11 is eleven spaces long, comprised of the rage track as well as the boxes printed on the contract. During the prologue, place one black cube on the leftmost space of the rage track, leaving ten spaces to be filled before the boss is vanquished.
The first six times that you "damage the boss" this game, put your cube on the leftmost space of the rage track (that doesn't already have a cube on it). The dragon's rage level is determined by the rightmost space with a cube on it. When you place a cube on a space with a sticker (for adding a frost cube to the bag), add that cube.
Once the rage track is full, place further cubes on the portion of the boss's health track shown on the contract. Once eleven total cubes have been placed, the boss is vanquished.
Rage — The rage level during game 11 is determined by the rightmost cube on the rage track (and no other effects that increase rage, like picking up an artifact). It starts at two (regardless of player count).
Remember to place new Boss cards in the card slot indicated by the current rage level (the rightmost space on the rage track with a cube on it).
The Boss Figure — The Boss cards in game 11 cause the Boss's figure to move on the map board. If there are ever multiple ways to interpret one of these instructions (such as "move one space toward the closest player" when two or more players are equally close), choose one randomly.
To determine what is "closer" to the Boss's figure, count the number of paths along the shortest route between its space and the space with the Boss's figure. The Boss ignores all path restrictions and icons.
Nothing happens when the Boss's figure moves into a space with a player figure, except as described on the card that moved it.
Whenever a player moves into the space with the Boss's figure, that player gets +1 Clank! As long as they remain in the same space as the Boss's figure, defeating a Boss Monster card costs less, because of the "Local" icons in the card's cost.
Local Swords — If a Boss Monster card costs 3 "Local Swords" and 4 normal Swords, for instance, it costs 7 Swords to defeat normally, but only 4 Swords while your figure is in the same space as the boss's figure.
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After Your Campaign
(Spoiler-free clarifications about post-campaign play.)
There are still cards left in our Cardporium and stickers left on our Sticker Sheets. Did we do something wrong?
It’s normal to have unused cards and stickers at the end of the campaign. If you have any uncompleted contracts you haven’t destroyed, or waypoints you haven’t visited, you might still access some of these unused components in post-campaign games. But the choices you made during the campaign have lasting consequences; your choices led you to certain cards and stickers (which other groups will not have seen).
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Upper Management Pack
(Questions regarding these expansions.)
Note that some of the cards in these expansions use terms from the original CLANK! A Deck-Building Adventure. Convert these terms to Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated 2 — Darkest Magic as noted below.
Crystal Cave Forest. (Used on Stoneshapery and Animal Shape.)
Depths: Danger Zone. (Used on Tentacular Spectacular.)
Dungeon Deck/Row: Adventure Deck/Row. (Used on Contract and Stalk.)
Market Room: Town space. (Used on Persuade.)
Contract — This card in Omin Dran’s starting deck is called Contract, but is not itself a Contract.

You may find it helpful to mark the card you choose with a cube from your supply (taking the cube back when the Contract no longer applies).

If there are two or more copies of the same card in the adventure row, the Contract applies only to the specific copy chosen by the Omin Dran player.